The best anchor is your own house. (German proverb)

Sweet home, apartment or house, is one of the most important things in life for many. Not only do we spend a lot of time in our own homes, they also represent who we are to a considerable extent and help us to leave the stress of everyday life behind. True to the well-known advertising motto, anyone who not only lives, but lives, thus depends in his general well-being on a satisfactory living situation.

For some, however, real estate is not only an important anchor from the perspective of self-living: Anyone investing their capital in so-called “concrete gold” wants to literally build on it to securely, profitably and without additional burdens.

Whether as a home or investment, in many matters relating to real estate good legal advice is important: Here you can count on the support of the law firm ZIMMERMANN KALINER.

Why “real estate law”?

By definition, real estate law includes all matters relating to the purchase or sale of real estate and its management. Real estate is immovable things according to the Latin origin of the word. In addition to buildings, therefore, also land – with or without development – under the real estate law. The latter also applies if a condominium is sold as part of a property.

When buying or selling immovable property, different laws apply. While the debt regulations of the Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) regulate the contractual relationship between buyer and seller, the property law of the Civil Code establishes the right to the matter. Thus, the buyer is entitled to compensation for a breach of contract by the seller (ie, for example, the repayment of the purchase price), the right to the property he acquires, however, only by a reservation and the subsequent entry in the land register.

Real estate as an investment

Real estate is not only attractive for own use, but rather attractive as an investment: In Germany, it accounts for about 86 percent of total fixed assets. If real estate is not acquired for the purpose of self-employment, but as an investment, further legal aspects come into play. Real estate law also covers this form of real estate use. For example, tenancy law, which deals with questions relating to the leasing or leasing of real estate in private and commercial settings, also falls under the concept of real estate law.

Our services in the field of real estate law

The law firm ZIMMERMANN KALINER in Berlin is a reliable partner for its clients when it comes to advice and representation in real estate matters. When real estate is purchased for asset protection purposes, our advice includes both aspects of acquisition and the design of the contract of sale, financing, tax concerns and, of course, registration in the land register, as well as any issues related to the future use of the property. We are happy to develop rental or lease agreements with our clients and to assist them in the long term in dealing with private or commercial tenants.

Legal support is also important for self-use of real estate. Before a sales contract is signed, it should be checked and adjusted if necessary. Here is the expert look asked. But even if, after conclusion of the contract, there are defects in the property, ZIMMERMANN KALINER take the necessary steps to obtain compensation for their clients. On the other hand, of course, we also help sellers to ward off inappropriate deficiencies.

Constructing real estate

Anyone who does not acquire existing real estate but has it rebuilt will also receive the corresponding equipment in matters of construction and architect law. This includes questions about construction contracts, liability and dealing with construction defects. Our clients in the law firm ZIMMERMANN KALINER also always find competent advice regarding the financing of their construction company.

Heirs and divest

You can not only buy real estate, you also inherit it. Often, however, you do not inherit a property alone, but share the claim with multiple parties. That this in many cases brings conflicts, is obvious. The lawyers of the law firm ZIMMERMANN KALINER therefore help to clarify all inheritance matters that accompany the transfer of real estate, and advise on tax issues and concerns regarding the use of the estate.

Even if commercial or privately used real estate is to be sold from our own holdings, our lawyers provide the necessary support in formulating contracts and handling the sale.

Not only houses can be anchors – good lawyers can be as well.

Your contact in real estate law is:

RA Dirk Zimmermann